Friday, January 10, 2014

Amber Glover's senior session

So this little chicky right here has a special place in my life/heart. We met because I was her youth leader, but since we've just become friends.  She's 15 years younger than me, but she gets me and I get her. Truly she's a 70 year old woman in a 17 year olds (soon to be 18!) body.  She makes me laugh and I keep her from being a dramatic teenager/crotchety old woman.  She keeps me young and I keep her from going "old lady" on people.  Its complicated!  haha!  I can't wait till she's 20 so it won't be weird that we're friends.  :)

Anyway… I had the privilege and honor to take her senior pictures for her.  She's such a smart girl with a bright future ahead of her.  I can't wait to see what path she chooses in life, but whatever it is, I know she will excel!  Here is Miss Amber Glover… Class of 2014!  Keep it Classy Amber… ;)

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Friday, January 3, 2014

Brielle & Zayk Molina wedding

Here is a blog that's been a long time coming!  I shot a wedding not too long ago and have been dying to share these pictures, but I wanted to get the pictures to the bride first.  Brielle and Zayk were such a pleasure to work with and you can just tell how in love they are with each other and with their little son Jovan.  I'm so happy they let me capture their special day!

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