Friday, September 6, 2013

Week in Pictures!

Been a while since I did one of these!  Just a little round up of our week in pictures.

Some notables...

First picture is Liam going to town on a pizza crust!  It kept him entertained for a good 30 minutes as we walked around Costco.

Third picture, first row - Liam was standing on the kitchen table as they were feeding him.  He stood for a good 10 minutes.  The things Liam will do for food! 

Third picture, second row - Christian... he's getting SO BIG!  Just a few months shy of 7...

Second picture, third row - Awesome fish tacos my mom made when we got together at her house on Labor Day!  Accompanied by some delicious guac, pico de gallo, and salsa verde.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! yea for pizza crust that entertains for 30 minutes and hey, can you believe our almost 7 year olds?!? Ahhhh that are so big and I am SO obsessed with this age!

    And lastly, I want fish tacos. NOW!
