Monday, October 21, 2013


Guess who's back?  Back again?  No, not Slim Shady.  Its us with WWWW!  Its been a couple weeks.  I'm soooooorey.  Literally I feel like the weeks are just melting one into the next and before I know it its WWWW again.  I think I might just do once a month cause ain't nobody got time fa dat!  I do love doing it, its just life man.  Life is busy!  Church, school, family get togethers, laundry, groceries... Life man.  Life.  Anywho!  Here is what we wore this past weekend for church.  In case you're not aware WWWW stands for What We Wore Wednesday, but its not necessarily what we wore ON Wednesday, but sometime that week.  Cause we keep it real and know that we don't always have time.  So pick a day and post your outfits too! 

So on my little Liam is some dark red "skinny" jeans from Old Navy.  First off they're too big still, lol... But I really wanted him to wear them.  I even washed them to see if they would shrink first.  They did not.  Haha!  But he still looks adorable.  Then he has his chambray button up from Target.  I love chambray it goes with ANYTHING.  And of course his little mini shoes from Robeez.  I love that I was able to stand him up and take his picture.  He literally stood there for me.  He had just seen Christian so he, of course, does whatever his brother does.  Its cute!  :)

On Christian is a gingham red, blue, and white button up from Target.  Which will probably be the last time he wears it cause the boy is growing.  Make it stop!!  His pants are skinnies from JCPenney's.  I love skinnies on this kid!  And shoes are from Old Navy.

On moi is a lovely navy skirt from who knows where.  It was given to me.  :)  The pink tank is from Old navy, chartreuse cardi from Target.  And the pièce de résistance, my infinity scarf.  You guys, I love my scarf.  It ties it all together and it's from.... Walmart!  Heck yeah!  They have every color and some more flowery patterns!  Run, don't walk -- cause they're only like $7.  Sometimes you find little gems at Walmart.  Oh, and my lovely peep toe platform heels are Nine West.  I've had them for like 5 years...?  I love them.  I hope nothing ever happens to them.  I will cry a thousand tears. 

Ok, so don't forget to head on over the head honcho who started WWWW>>> A Life From Scratch.  Leave us both some love below!  Till next week... or if I post a REAL blog post.. haha, sure...

1 comment:

  1. YEA!!!!! Missed you!!!!!!!!! You must keep up with your blogging because well, you make me laugh! Slim Shady - I love it!

    I get it though - life is BUSY isn't it? I don't know where the hours/days go....

    Anyway, your crew - as always - looks like total rockstars! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christians plaid top, he looks so handsome. Liam is rocking the red skinnies and you look beautiful - perfect fall colors.

    Thanks for playing along! :)
